Library: The library is well furnished with latest text books of Law and Business, All England Law Reports, Journals etc. There are more than 6000 books as well as terminals with internet for the students.
WiFi Fully functional Wi Fi facility throughout the campus for all students to enjoy
Computer Lab Fully equipped computer lab with high speed broadband internet service which is open for all students during and after class hours.
Cafeteria: The cafeteria opens for refreshment before the classes start and remains open during the class breaks.
English Language Special Classes: English language is taught to students of all levels according to their requirement, and intensive courses are provided throughout the year in order to enable students to meet the English Language requirement of the Bar of England and Wales.
Annual Dinner and Picnics: Various social events are organized by the Academy which includes annual dinner, cultural functions, career fares and so on. The Academy also usually organizes outdoor tours and annual picnic.
Debates: Debates are held regularly on various topics, with the aim of providing students with the confidence and the ability to speak on various legal matters and other issues of national importance.
General Lectures: A number of qualified and experienced Barristers at the Academy give regular tuition and guidance to the students and prepare them for University of London examinations which are taken through British Council. The teachers are well experienced and highly qualified. Most experienced and qualified Barristers in Bangladesh are Bhuiyan Academys former students.
Tutorial & Revision Classes: Apart from regular tuition lectures, the Academy provides special tutorial classes for students. This is followed by an intensive revision course on each subject.
Guest Lectures: The Academy organizes a number of lectures by both national and foreign visiting scholars who come every year, particularly from the University of London, to address the students on issues relevant to the students.
Seminars: Discussions on specific topics of the courses are held at frequent intervals, which run concurrently with regular tuition.
Additional Tutor Support: All faculty members are always ready to help the students before and after their classes. Moreover, the Head of Laws, Students Counselors and the Director of Students Welfare are always engaged to further assist the students to solve their problems and meet their guardians to discuss the progress of their wards.
Moot Court and Mock Trials: Mock Trials and Moot Courts which are held regularly throughout the course. Participation in these trials is considered important for the students as advocacy training by it provides presenting them with professional situations. The Academy students also participate in International Moot Court and Debate competitions held abroad.
Pre-Mock & Mock Examinations: These are important aspects of the revision part of each course. Students who do not score good marks in these examinations are given extra attention in preparation for their final examinations. Final Examination and Results: The British Council, Dhaka conducts and controls final examinations. All examination scripts are checked and marked by examiners of the University of London. The marks and certificates are also awarded by the University of London.
Games, Sports and Cultural Programmes: Various games, sports and cultural functions are organised regularly.
Students Counsellors: The Academy has experienced counsellors who are able to advise the students in all aspects. Individual assistance is available to students in need of special guidance.
Alternative class arrangement under compelling circumstances : If any class cannot be arranged within stipulated time, alternative classes are arranged on other working days in addition to normal schedule to compensate the classes missed for force majeure such as strikes, blockades or a natural disasters.
Strict discipline : Maintenance of strict discipline is observed within Bhuiyan Academy. As a result the students can prepare themselves for a strict and disciplined career.
Attendance is compulsory : At least 80% classes are required (especially in Diploma-in-Law) to be attended by a student.